Sunday, May 1, 2011

For when you're feeling lazy....

I had a busy day, come home and the question remains, "What to make for dinner?" When you're cooking for multiple people and you have to make sure your cooking satisfies their needs.... sometimes its okay to run for the cans.

So for a simple, quick, easy, meal listen up.

Defrost some chicken - could be thighs, wings, whatever you have.
Throw in some Frank's Red Hot sauce and some BBQ sauce (I currently have five different kinds in my fridge, so I decided on Emeril for this evening). Mix it up - and start your grill. The beer is for your own personal enjoyment and does not come with this recipe.

As your grill is heating up. Grab a can of baked beans. Throw it in a pot on low heat - stirring occasionally. Now to finish this canned bbq party, grab a can of creamed corn and whatever vegetable you desire (I chose asparagus), and put them in separate microwavable containers.

Once you have the chicken on the grill - pop the veggies in the microwave for a few minutes. (Creamed Corn approximately 3-4 minutes and the Asparagus approximately 4-5 minutes depending on your microwave).

And Voila! C'est fini!

Bon appetit!

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